B Braun McGaw Horizon NXT, Recertified
The B Braun McGaw Horizon NXT Modular Infusion System provides many special modes designed to make programming even the most complex infusions simple. Working with hundreds of Nurses, Pharmacists, Physicians, and BiomedicalEngineers, B. Braun has developed a pump flexible enough to meet today's ever-changing IV therapy practices.
- Primary and Piggyback Modes
- Dose Mode (dose rate calculator) with customizable drug menus
- q(x)º Mode for intermittent therapies
- Program Mode for variable delivery regimens
- Profile Mode for TPN and other ramped and tapered infusions
- Set Time and Volume to calculate infusion rate
- Micro Mode for limiting infusion rates of high risk/high concentration drugs
Additionally, the Horizon Nxt also provides safety features such as set-based free-flow protection, infusion site pressure trending, air-trapping cassettes, and a wide range of user-selectable pressure settings. Because of its flexibility, the Horizon Nxt is ideally suited for a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and infusion centers.