CAREvent MRI Compatible Transport Ventilator
CAREvent® MRI Compatible Automatic Transport Ventilators are lightweight, portable, durable, easy-to-use and are completely pneumatic. CAREvent® Ventilators deliver breath by breath consistency in delivered tidal volume, frequency, inspiratory/expiratory times and flow rates, something not achievable using a BVM. This ventilator is designed for use by emergency rescuers. CAREvent® Ventilator comes with 6' supply hose, deluxe disposable transport ventilator circuit, test lung and universal face mask.
- "Demand Breathing" for the spontaneously breathing patient
- Manual Override Ventilation to supplement automatic ventilations if required and activate delayed cycling when a 30:2 CPR protocol is being performed
- Flexibility in breath volume and frequency delivery to ventilate patients from 5 kg. to large adults
- Auto Cycling Shut-Off and Re-Start to synchronized ventilation for patients moving in and out of respiratory arrest
- Airway Pressure Gauge to provide visual monitoring of the patient and ventilator settings
- Audible and Visual Low Gas Supply Warning
- Audible and Visual Indicator for a circuit disconnect or when delivered tidal volumes are insufficient