The Edan® F6 Express is a high-end hospital grade monitor designed for multi-bed units with central station yet simple enough for private practice, it offers the most advanced integrated monitoring for the delivery room in big hospital; private obstetrician’s office; antepartum clinic. Integrating fetal and maternal parameters together, the F6 Express expands upon the basic non-stress test monitor for pregnant women.

Edan® F6 Dual Fetal Monitor, Twins FHR (ea)
- Basic parameters: FHR, TOCO, Event Mark, AFM
- Monitor maternal parameters ECG, HR/PR, NIBP, SpO2, TEMP
- Dual FHR monitoring
- Optional Internal parameters: IUP/DECG
- 24 hours waveform playback
- Multi-crystal pulse wave Doppler waterproof transducer for FHR detection
- Signals Overlap Verification to differentiate twins FHR (+20/-20 offset while printing)
- 150/152mm wide paper printing
- 1,2,3cm/min real-time printing speeds
- Quick printing for stored waveform
- 10.2 – inch high-resolution color folding up LCD screen
- Lithium battery for 4 hours of continuous working
- Probe rack and wall mounting rack
- Optional Built-in wireless module to connect to Central Nursing Station or FTS-3